“Are you a lawyer? Follow the Verfassungsblog.”

Alex Rühle in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2013 Sept. 28/29


“For some time now they have been blogging from Berlin. First Maximilian Steinbeis, then Alexandra Kemmerer and Christoph Möllers made/make Verfassungsblog great. Jurisprudential critique, observation and analysis can be found in their articles, both in German and in English. They graze everything public law has to offer. The really big issues as well. Right now the vision of the future “Europe 2023”. And here they blog, the “Staatsrechtswissenschaftler”. Is this the breakthrough? Has the legal academia now finally discovered the internet for themselves: for quick verbal sparring, for pointed opinion, for a transparent and future-oriented discourse in legal scholarship? That would be – to put it calmly – great.”

 Tina Winter on JuWissBlog, 2013 Feb. 13

“A true (…) and rather astonishing success story”

Ekkehard Knörer on Merkur-Blog, 2012 Oct. 26

“Max Steinbeis, Alexandra Kemmerer and Christoph Möllers from Verfassungsblog do not carry the basic law under their arms but in their heads: They are proven experts in the field of constitutional law. They and renowned guest authors publish important articles about current constitutional issues on the blog. They aim to reach not only scholars but all politically interested readers.”

Michael Gessat and Andreas Noll on DRadio Wissen, 2012 Oct. 14

“Next to “Scotusblog” the German lawyer and journalist Max Steinbeis’ “Verfassungsblog” looks like a midget. Steinbeis’ observations „on matters constitutional“ are held in quite high esteem among younger German constitutional law professors.”

Katja Gelinsky in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, 18. Juli 2010